Our expertise lies in providing top-notch interior and exterior residential painting solutions tailored for both renovations and new construction. Understanding that each home is unique, we offer specialized custom color consultations – simply contact us to schedule a session tailored to your vision. Our “New Chapter Fresh Coat(s)” promise not only a new color but a renewed sense of home. We ensure your home is not just painted, but truly transformed.
Painting is a time-consuming, potentially dangerous and physically demanding task. To properly do it requires a solid education about different products, techniques and the surfaces involved, skilled labor, the right tools and planning. Here at New Chapter HI Services we have the experience, skill, knowledge and attention to detail to provide you with the highest quality of interior and exterior painting, drywall, repair and maintenance services. We pride ourselves with our exceptional customer service, and guaranteed response time of 24 hours on weekdays.
168 River St. Cambridge, MA 02139
Mon – Fri • 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat • by request | service specific